Thursday, September 11, 2008

New madness

Joyce and I have been feeling rather blah about stitching of late... this is because we tackle large projects and with the stress of working life -- she is sooo busy and doing the job of a few people as at her editing job, and I am pretty much tied up with custom work at my shop -- that we've not felt excited about starting for a while...


sometimes madness gets a hold of us, and we decide on the spur of the moment to start something...

this time, it's a Tiger SAL. Actually, it's two specific SALs, but they're both Tiger SALS, so let's just call this Tiger SAL 1.

We both have Dimensions kits, gifted to us from very good friends.
Joyce will do Regal Tiger:

And I will do White Lightning:

Let the insanity begin!


Veronica said...

Glad to hear you're still around. Wonder what you've been up to lately. What shop? Tell me more! Looking forward to some tiger updates ^.^

Aw said...

HI...(waving from Malaysia)...glad to see you still stitching :-D me? not much

Unknown said...

The charts you & Joyce chose are gorgeous!! We need updated WIPs Girlies!!!

Novia said...

Since when you two dare to leave me behind *teary eyes*