It does feel rather nice to be writing a little more actively again -- I've got a job that does more fixing than creating and no matter what they say about doing what pays the bills, there is something about the latter that feeds the soul in the matter that feeding the tummy doesn't quite satisfy.
But enough rambling! For WIPocalypse in January, I am posting progress pictures of Long Dog Samplers' Paradigm Lost. Stitch for stitch, I think Julia Line is possibly one of the most talented cross stitch designers around, for her marvellous eye and sense of colour and balance. Better yet, in all of her pieces where she stitched the model, she eschewed linen (thereby snarking in the face of some fabric snobs - which I love. the snarking, not the snobbery, I mean) and went full force on aida!
I've had photos of its progress in my phone but for some reason, only managed to upload a few of them.
Paradigm Lost under a flash.
Please excuse the furry fabric weight.... he can't keep away from the WIP at all. Luckily, he doesn't use it for a rug!
This was last month (under no flash)
These pictures below were taken about a week ago. As I move closer to a finish, the leg of the stitching marathon feels lengthier and the run toward the finish line seems to be harder. It always gets this way towards the end, and I cannot help but think, perhaps this is the point where I need to say goodbye to it, and while I look forward to it, I'm also bidding farewell to a marvellous time and a great series of hours put into creating it -- so it is a little happy, but a little sad as well.

A finally, as of 3 nights ago - you can see how close it is, how big it is and errr, my toes. The toes will end up becoming a fixture in pictures, for which I don't really apologise. Even if you're a foot fetishist. Erk.
My friend Joyce who owns the Random Ramblings blog has asked me to join the IHSW. International Hot Stitchers Week? I Hate Sour Whiskey? I don't really know what is, but what Joyce says, I follow :) (It's a complicated relationship, that one).
I'll post more once I figure out what I'm suppose to do about it.
WOWZA! This is really beautiful. The stitching, that is, not your toes. Although, your toes are pretty nice as well. You've done a lot on this piece since your last pic! Love seeing your progress, and I am hanging in there with you as I'm working only on my WIP's as well. Happy stitching!
O.M.G!!! Are you telling me you don't know what IHSW stand for?? I'm going to have to disown you!!!! ;)
And sign up ah? Then you get more ppl to come see your pretty big blue.
Ahhhh, me likey the font color much better. Hey, did you notice that it matches the yellow shades in peacock?
Absolutely GORGEOUS!! And soooo close to being finished! Keep it up!! Oh, and excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is "WIPocalypse"?? Sounds intriguing... ;)
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