Sunday, May 07, 2006

First half of a pink fan

I haven't posted for about a week, and guilt has been haranguing me to show something. Truth is, I haven't stitched all too much on my own projects, but I can report some progress on the Design Works' Oriental Fans that I'm doing for my mother.

Why is it, when you end up doing work for other people the project just drags on and on and on? Anyway, here is the progress ... I'm about 70% done on the first quarter of this project, but without any backstitching done. The lighting was bad when I took this, so the colouring is a little off, usually the look is a lot "brighter".

Just got back from a few days in Jakarta. Couldn't go out or shop much thanks to the workers demonstrating by the thousands there. Plus, I got sick from the second day so the majority of the week has been spent recovering from food poisoning ... bleh.

Normally, I love travelling, but this time I just wanted to get back home and crawl into bed and be nursed by mom's cooking (I know, it sounds like a baby, but I can't help it).

Only one more day to make use of before heading for a long week of work. I'll try to post something in a few days... it's been far too long since I worked on my HAED and it is finally calling out to me after a cross stitch slump.


Novia said...

Typical Jakarta. I always got sick during the first 3 or 4 days but always miss the food.

I also have this pattern, it's part of my Japanese patterns which I haven't had the time to start it yet.

Looking great though.

Get well soon.


fudgey said...

i really like the border on this...
i will be interested to watch this grow.. but then i did see you might be picking up your HAED so maybe it will be a while....

welcome back btw

Rachel Leigh Smith said...

The fan is lovely! It'll be worth it I'm sure.

I know what you mean about obligation pieces dragging on and on and on. My Newborn Joy feels like it's taking FOREVER to finish it. I can finally see the end and I am determined to finish it this month so I can start Spring Cameo guilt free.