Monday, July 10, 2006

Her cap, I see her cap

On the HAED project (Conversation Around Fish by James Christensen)

After interminable stitches (or seemingly so) doing blocks and confetti stitches of these colours:

DMC 310(black) 319 (a type of leafy green), 890 (another leafy green), 986 (leafy green, but looks like a bit of moss on top)
3820, 3821, 676, 3822, 3855, and about a dozen more shades of yellow ... lemon yellow,canary yellow, ochre, light bronze.. you name it, they have it!!

I finally chanced upon DMC 161 ... grey blue. Joy of joys, it's the top of the fairy lady's cap. Coming after will be the little "ruffles" on the cap's edge. Sometimes I ask myself why I am stitching such a large chart. It has 90 colours, some you use for just 3-4 stitches then have to snip and rewind ... it has 36 pages, instead of my first HAED which has 20 (and has yet to be restarted hahaha). Almost done with Page 2, I think there's another 1500 stitches there ... here is a picture to show how much it's taking up of the entire piece of fabric (the gridded area is where the picture will be).

The entire top of the picture is leaves, black background and oranges and pears, so it's nice to see something that is not fruit n leaves by the time one gets to the bottom of the page.

Yep. It's been a slightly productive weekend. I turned 32 as well. Have come to realise, in my thirties, I get kinda down on birthdays. God, where did the time go. Older, but not wiser. Dad took me out to a smashing dinner. My brother says he's buying me jewellery, not craft stuff (wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! he said I've bought enough stash on my own... and I'm on a self-imposed stash diet (sort of) ... I was going to hedge for some linen too ... oh well... not like I need it). Incidentally, my brother was the same one who bought me my first HAED patterns last year...

I've also been alternating stitching the HAED against Oriental fans. The cross stitches on Part 1 (of 4) is done and I've done some work on Part 2 as well... (after all are done, it will need to be backstitched and french knotted -- or beaded, if I feel like it).


fudgey said...

Wow looks wonderful.. well done on reaching her cap...
such lovely work..
the fans are a good alternative stitch too very different colours..

I hera you about he getting down on Birthdays once you reach your thirties..
wait until the relisation that in less than 6 months you will be forty and see how you feel down you feel(whimper) Surely if he started your HAED interest your brother could find it in his heart to give you some linen...??

Happy Birthday lovely one.. sorry i went over board and sent you 2 e cards

Novia said...

Happy Birthday!!!
Sorry if it's come too late since I just got back from my 2 weeks holiday.

What a lovely progress you've made.


Veronica said...

Nice going on Conversation... looking at the whole piece of fabric, I'm definitely having second thoughts on trying out HAED. I'm not that courageous!

By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! though I'm a day late in my wishes. Did IM you through Yahoo yesterday but not sure if you receive it.