So, really, we've been sort of semi having given up the five finish challenge race... the point was not to stash and once again, to reiterate things, boy did that idea go down the toilet! Whose crazy idea was it again to not buy stash until things are done???
probably mine. oops.
We had a Stitchathon over the weekend, at the Crafty Coven, largely to push Joyce into finishing Floral Retreat, something she is working on for her mother when she visits KL in late June. She's actually a very very fast stitcher.... puts in much more in a few hours than I can in a day, which is ... whoa!
So, to get things moving, I also cancelled my social appointments (well, most of them, except for one very important one). Unfortunately, a little hiccup called Bell's Palsy came a-callling... so it's like getting temporary facial paralysis, much like a mini-stroke. But only parts of the eye and jaw are affected and I'm supposedly recovering rapidly. Most BP patients take 3 to 6 months. Mine is expected to take a month.
Yes, it gave me a scare. Yes, the doctor gave me a big bollocking esp regarding my sleeping hours. ("How is four hours enough, can you explain it"... bitch ... so I was put in a spot, but was also made to see the vast error of my ways. Still, I do see the virtue in the doctor's orders... it's a bit uncomfortable to laugh my usual belly laugh because there's a distinct pull and I fear, squinting in the mirror creates an instant reflection of Ms Hyde. If you're giggling at this, shut the fuck up. Yes, I'm definitely bad tempered today. '
so, the long and short of it... I DID stitch, but due to the R&R directive (surprisingly, given my theoretical attraction to slothful habits, VERY hard to do)...
Here's what I did. Sea Stars finally moved over the giant DMC520 square star doldrums and into PAge 6 (this is about 40% of page 6 done).... almost to the end... just the bottom horizontal strip left.
And my first charity stitching project, for Love Quilts (where small things are assembled for children's quilts for terminally ill kids.... Google it and surf over -- I can't be arsed to send the link right now -- but if you read the stories about them (some of the kids have gone to heaven, un/fortunately), I promise you will cry. So... it's for a good cause. This is the almost done version of Dragon Dreams' afghan freebie called Patience. (thanks for the help, Brenda!) Don't worry about the little eyeless reptiles hanging over the mommy dragon ... the French knots will go in last.
Joyce's Floral Retreat is coming along swimmingly... let's hope she posts something on her blog soon. She's also encouraging me to write again (And you were such a talented little scribe, my dear Crafty Pretender, once a very long time ago)
On to bigger more exciting things... Sexy Fairy is expecting a mini-me! Mucho congratulations and the girl is smart enough to tell us (when I rashly asked her if she wanted anything stitched for e baby) that "Clothes will do, and just initial your name at the bottom".... clever Nov. Or maybe shrewd, knowing how long I will take to finish it. If it's a BAP, it might get done when her child is in college. Or My child. And I haven't even gotten preggo yet... or married yet. Nyet. This is starting to sound sick. Better give the BF a call.
Sea Stars is looking great! I have Garden Stars in the stash, adn want this one - that sea serpent is the coolest!
My Dad has BP - it caused him to retire from teaching 20+ years ago, while they were still diagnosing him, because he was on so many drugs trying to control it, before they sent him to the neurologist to cut the nerves. It was very hard for him, and hard for us, because there wasn't anything we could do. And it was amazing how it would always hit him while he was trying to eat. I hope you are feeling better!
Get well soon!
Get well soon!
Get Well Soon!
I think you are in a huge hormon imbalance while writing this blog.. is the progesterone level too high that made you so bitchy ROFL.
I think I know what I should do:
1. Whip you to sleep
2. Whip you to take breakfast, lunch and dinner
3. Whip you to take medication after your meals
4. Whip you to stitch and
5. Whip you not to work (I think your boss will not happy with this last one)
After seeing your WIP's list yes.. I think ready-thing is the best LOL
I'm sorry to here about your BP relapse. Hopefully it'll cooperate and you'll be back to yourself in no time.
Seastars is beautiful!! And your DD's love quilt square is so cute. Good work :)
And Joyce is a little stinker, isn't she? lol
Thanks for visiting my blog! I love your Sea Stars! I keep thinking about doing it -- I will probably give in soon. I am looking forward to seeing your version of Paradigm Lost. I am using Vikki Clayton's Nightfall collection of colors. I am really enjoying it.
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