Sunday, October 05, 2008

Where's the White Lightning? All I see is grey and black!

Here's a WIP update of White Lightning.

Actually, I felt compelled to post this by way of the reason that my partner in crime and 'big kakak" (that is bigshot older sister in Malay for all you non-Malaysian speakers there) Joyce did so on her blog, putting my laziness to shame.

You aren't going to see a really clear picture (thanks, camera phone...) but I started in the middle of the fabric -- something that many stitches do but I shied away from because I was always a "start at a corner" kind of girl. Anyway, enough nattering... here it is!

Yup... lots of background. Part of the stripey tail and one stripe on the face. (I got bored with the amount of tenting on the right side one night).

After the half year's worth of crafty ennui (yes, there is such a thing, much like how some people pretend to suffer from phobias and syndromes and disasters), I started pulling out my stash and seeing what I had. Goodness... it's a good thing I freaking DID because now I know how hard I need to stitch/knit/crochet/tat/whatever in order to thin some of this out... in order to buy more.

For the time being, The Despot... I mean, Joyce, has forbidden any new starts (boo, hiss) while we work on the tigers. We DID ask Novia to join in, but she demurred saying it was "too scary" or "Too much teeth and fangs and claws" or some funky excuse. Yes, Novia, we know, you are busy with your favourite WIP (the screaming, crawling one) and you are too hoity toity for Dimensions :P

She's just waiting for us to finish, so we can start on a couple of more SALS.

In the woodworks (oh what have I gotten my ass into again):
Mirabilia SAL
I think so far, this is what is happening:
Novia will do The Kiss
EeKoon will do The Kiss/Autumn Queen/Sleeping Beauty (or some thing she will change her mind 1000 times again)
Joyce will do... I dunno, Fairy Idyll? Joyce is damn picky!

Sean, the requisite three-legged-sister (geddit? hahahaha) is powering along and about to finish White Christmas and putting us to shame!

After Mirabilia, brace yourselves for some of the most beautiful kick ass graphite-based art charts that will cross our itchy hands:

Presenting the ELEMENT SAL. Months of planning. Even longer months of procrastinating:

We plan to do part of a series of elemental portraits done by a phenomenal black and grey artist, Maria J William. She is charted by Stab and Stash, and very expertly too.

Novia will do this: (Earth)... just so delicate and mysterious!

Joyce will do Fire... and she is such a smokingly sexy dancer, isn't she?

And yours truly has this one in her sights: Metal... a kickass woman warrior. Yehaw!

This will actually be my first Stab and Stash piece but I can't wait. Their charting is vastly superior to Heaven and EArth Designs, whose quality except for a select few new releases (they release a lot each week) has vastly degenerated in the past year or so.

In my personal opinion, some of their pieces can't even see proper detail in the faces, and some of the ones I bought are starting to look (to my increasingly panicked eye) blocky. I just freaking hope it isn't one that I bought!

Well, I think customers pay good money to get a quality product, and if you gotta shore up 60 bucks of Malaysian dollars to pay for something that will not look nice, put it elsewhere where you can be assured of a positive outcome.

Nyways, I have to get some things done! I hope to post a bit more often now that the stitching is back and a bit more active again.

1 comment:

Aw said...

ALAMAK.....all grey and black remind me of my Faery Tale with all navy / black and I am still on the first 200 stitches ...shame on me :-C
hope to see your progress, you are forever full of passion with confetti stitches....:-)