Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Mary as of last week

This is a bad picture, I know... but it shows how much more to go. As of yesterday, I'm done with Page 7... 2 more to go!

I also ordered some d-bags from HDF and got a few spools to boot (pix to come when it arrives, if I have time!) ... Vikki Clayton gives a marvellous bunch of colours within each, and those will go towards smalls or spot motifs. Not to mention the marvellous quality of her silks and her efficient, speedy service! I got many of the free charts from Tante Zolder (My Aunt's Attic) blog, and I was briefly playing with the idea of doing a bunch of the motifs for a spot sampler for the heck of it.


Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh close! Can you taste the victory? :)
It is gorgeous!!!

Aw said...

yeah...looking forward to starting 2 new projects? Love this piece and the DMC 115 is unbelievable gorgeous .