Tuesday, March 28, 2006

An (obligatory) introduction

Hello there. Pull up a chair.

No, not a daily journal of my life. Not a not-so-secret diary. Not a pretentious soapbox (most of the time, anyway).

I created this bloggy thing because
a) It's 2.16am and I can't sleep
b) If you can't beat 'em blogging-ers, join 'em
c) I wanted to fiddle around with beginner's beginning HTML, about 10 years too late
d) Staying glued to the computer is better than glueing my lips to a chocolate bar
e) It gives me a reason to try to skive off work on a bad day (no, i was just kidding, honest!)

Seriously, though, I've been trying to get involved with a little more self-expression these few years. And I like to share, sometimes.

Of course, when this blog got started, I had the vague idea to cut out as many "I"s as possible. But can see this is going to be a constant lesson in futility. Nggaaarrrghh. But in a nutshell, here's what sort of posts to expect:
  • Updates on needlework projects, some other fibre arts (so shoot me, I want to be a housefrau. It's a noble life). Occasional WIP pictures of said projects.
  • Occasional photographics efforts of non-needlework projects
  • Occasional efforts at reading and writing. But not 'rithmetic. Seriously, though, there will be posts on some writings, some self-made art.
  • Occasional opinions on music, art and literature ... as I reach for my stiff upper lip :P
  • Occasional plugs for things I like, because the best advertising is by word of mouth, hahaha!
  • Occasional vents...kept to a minimum
  • Anything else that warrants a post, I suppose.
That's about it, really.
Life. It's complicated. But it ain't rocket science.

Thanks for visiting.


Biblo said...

Cool! I want to say welcome to the blogging world but I not much of a writer and have nothing much to write in my own blog, just mostly pictures and yet to experiment with the HTML thingy. I see you are doing a better job!


Anonymous said...

EeKoon, I'm looking forward to reading music related posts since if I recall correctly you did mention that you like jazz.