I've been plugging happily away on my HAED, but the progress has been rather slow of late. 3200 stitches in a week (shameful!). It's bad to compare, I know, but the speed really isn't up to par.
So on my next HAED start, it called for a change of strategy ... I'm testing out tent stitches, using 2 strands, on 28-count. Too bad the coverage on 25ct isn't as good because I really dig 25ct!
Reasoned it out like this : Better to finish stitchin faster using a tent stitch and spend a little more on DMC than to stitch slower on a full cross.
On Saturday, though, I took a break from HAEd (the multiple pages were beginning to feel quite demoralising!!!) and picked up a WIP that I had not done for, ohhhh... 10 months ....
From Landmarks and Tapestries' Gilt Sky (a cushion cover). Bright vibrant colours, including 991, a nice emerald green.
Didn't get much done on it, but couldn't help noticing the tight weave of 28count monaco and its potential to be a HAED canvas... will file up that piece of info for the future.
I also quickly stitched up a new hardanger sampler... it's an easy one, but with more muted colours. Muted, by my standards :)
Also, broke my stash diet today, and I hope to show some results soon. Now, it's time to grid bleh!!
I do agree stitching 1 over 1 on 25ct can be very tiring, especially for the eyes. I am kind of rotating between the one with big holes, medium and tiny one. Luckily now I get the beading project, which use 16ct, Martina's project 2 over 2 on 32ct and HAED 1 over 1 on 25ct.
Progress??? That's not an appropriate question :-)
That cushion cover is just gorgeous! And the Hardanager piece is quite lovely too.
like your hardanger... i always do...
did you go muted cos the colours in the cushion were so intense (deliciously so i might add) do you think??
you really are a whizz at hardanger
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