Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thy fearful symmetry

... yes, I apologise for wrecking the poem and making William Blake roll in his grave. The tiger is coming along slowly but surely.

One of the best and worst parts about stitching Dimensions pieces is the crazy amount of backstitching... best, because it cuts off so much time to do background areas, and worst because they often use 5-6 strands and pulling all of it through the little holes -- even on 14ct aida, which is what this piece is on -- is a royal pain in the rear.

I was talking to Brenda a few weeks back about stitching over one and all those nutty things stitchers are apt to do, and she said something about eyesight not being so good... well, Bren, you aren't alone. For that matter, while I love linen and evenweave, I've changed my stance on fabric. Aida has always been sort of a so-so choice for me... I wouldn't turn it away but I'd prefer to work on linen. But with the light in the house not being the best, sometimes, aida is a breeze to work on, not the freakin' 36ct edinburgh. I still have one piece I purchased from the now sadly defunct Needle Little Love in Singapore, which I am reserving for.... hrmmm... well, it was a quarter-yard cut, and I am reserving it for a red sampler. Or.... something. I don't know yet. Until this big cat is finished, I'm not allowed to make any new starts.

Took a look at my stash the other day, and figured out that it was high time I did
a) more finishes
b) more starts to use up the fabric

I know my friend Wanda in AK (see Boss of the Floss blog, on the left... she just finished Kathy's Violets bought a bolt (A WHOLE BOLT!) of lugana, but I'm trying to find out WHERE. She told me that a while back but I was really thinking and hoping Hobby Lobby would carry them. I love HL, way over Joanns and Michaels, both of whom have higher prices on most about everything, but Hobby Lobby has been slimming down their stitching shelves of late, which is sad. One of the times I went, I picked up a kitted Lavendar and Lace, WITH the Needlepaints (like 9 skeins) and the linen for a whopping $10. Another time I saw a small sampler kit -- not my style, but still cheap -- going for $1.50, and until today, I still kick myself for not buying it. DH tells me "Sale is just another four-letter word, honey."

But what a frickin' GREAT four letter word it is!

Ok... with this, I hope to zoom a bit faster on the tiger because after this, Novia is clamouring for a new start. And come next year, I HAVE TO stitch I Still Do for my parents' anniversary---it is long due and for one, I think my mum and dad would love it.

1 comment:

Joysze said...

Sigh, damn and double damn, you have so much of that done and it looks freaking great!!!! Lots of catch up to do here.....